Rassegna stampa mattutina del 11/04/2022 con Michele Boldrin e Francesco Forti.

Notizie redazione Ucraina Liberi Oltre:

“Attacchi ripetuti all’aeroporto di Dnipro. Completamente distrutto.” https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3453903-russian-military-again-strikes-dnipro-airport.html

Attacchi durante il weekend anche su Mycolaiv e Kharkiv. Almeno 10 morti civili, tra cui un bambino, e 11 feriti a Kharkiv.

ISW update 9 April:
US DoD statements that Russia retains 80-85 percent of its original mobilized combat power unintentionally exaggerate the Russian military’s current capabilities to fight. The dozens of Russian battalion tactical groups (BTGs) that retreated from around Kyiv likely possess combat power that is a fraction of what the numbers of units or total numbers of personnel with those units would suggest. Reconstituting these units to restore any notable fraction of their nominal power would take months.
The Russians are apparently attempting to resolve one of the problems from which their initial invasion suffered by making Southern Military District Commander General Alexander Dvornikov the single overall commander of operations in Ukraine
Russia is unlikely to be able to mass combat power for the fight in eastern Ukraine proportionate to the number of troops and battalion tactical groups it sends there.
The Russian military continues to suffer from devastating morale, recruitment, and retention problems that seriously undermine its ability to fight effectively.
The outcome of forthcoming Russian operations in eastern Ukraine remains very much in question.

Lithuania announces plans to train Ukraine to use Western weapons

Scholz ha fornito un aggiornamento sul progressivo abbandono della Germania delle importazioni di energia dalla Russia. “Germany has made progress in divesting from Russian energy. Russian oil accounts for f German imports, down from 35 percent before the February 24 invasion. Gas imports to Germany from Russia have been cut to 40 percent from 55 percent, and hard coal imports to 25 percent from 50 percent.”

Russian Invasion to Shrink Ukraine Economy by 45 Percent this Year.

Austrian leader to meet Putin in Moscow, hoping to build bridges.

Ucraina: Di Maio, con Draghi in Algeria: 'Domani (Lunedì), per firmare un accordo sul gas'. https://www.ansa.it/sito/notizie/politica/2022/04/10/ucraina-di-maio-con-draghi-in-algeria-contro-ricatti-russi-_11db0a8e-3835-4d39-b562-4a9f4fe43f83.html

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