Liberate The Podcast: We aim to educate, motivate, inspire and liberate your consciousness! Episode 36: ThetaHealing.
"ThetaHealing for me was the whole package. We learn how to use our true power, our psychic abilities in full. Clairvoyance, how to talk to our guardian angels, masters, people that have crossed over... we develop the master in us. First of all, we are going to awaken the 12 strands of DNA and we clear a lot of energy during the three day class. It's about clearing, clearing, clearing and something that is very very important for me is that we clear a lot of beliefs in seconds. There is something that we call a download and it's grabbing information from above so we can replace limiting beliefs instantly."
- Beatriz Blanco, Clairvoyant & ThetaHealing Practitioner.
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