Previous Episode: The 5 Elements Of Mind
Next Episode: On Ascension

Liberate The Podcast: We aim to educate, motivate, inspire and liberate your consciousness! Episode 6: The Life & Times Of A Psychic Medium. 
"My first mediumship reading was so terrifying because I didn't know what to do or what was happening. And because I didn't know, I had such physical sensations. Basically, I was on a paranormal investigation in a jail cell and all of a sudden I just started rocking back and forth, and swaying. I didn't realize it was because Spirit was coming in - like I said, I had to go to [Mediumship] school and learn these things so I knew how to deal with it. I was crying and I just kept saying, 'I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry'. In school, I learned that I don't have to take on the discomfort if there is any."
- Terrie Huberman, Psychic Medium, Teacher & Hypnotherapist. 
Find Terrie at & on IG @intuitivecoachterrie
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