Previous Episode: Elliot Ackerman 2-23-2017

LFPL and the University of Louisville Brandeis Law School present economist and author Dr. Jessica Gordon Nembhard

Jessica Gordon Nembhard's groundbreaking book Collective Courage chronicles African American cooperative business ownership and its place in the movements for Black civil rights and economic equality. Through her research, Gordon Nembhard finds that African Americans, as well as other people of color and low-income people, have benefitted greatly from cooperative ownership and democratic economic participation throughout the nation’s history.

Jessica Gordon Nembhard is Associate Professor of Community Justice and Social Economic Development in the Department of Africana Studies at John Jay College, City University of New York. Join her for a discussion of the history of African American cooperative economics and what role the cooperative model can play today.

Special thanks to these program sponsors: UofL Office of the Vice Provost of Diversity & International Affairs, The Anne Braden Institute for Social Justice Research, Louisville Food Co-op, Sowers of Justice Network, The Louisville Urban League, Muhammad Ali Institute for Peace and Justice, New Roots, Inc. and Fresh Stop Markets.