Part of thought leadership is making the invisible, visible.
When that happens, it can challenge beliefs and make people uncomfortable and defensive.

So, how can you break through feelings, and make change deeply significant to that future?

Our guest today is Dr. Suzanne Wertheim, the Founder, and CEO of Worthwhile Research & Consulting, where she uses her expertise to improve hiring, organizational culture, engagement and retention. She is also the author of The Inclusive Language Field Guide: 6 Simple Principles for Avoiding Painful Mistakes and Communicating Respectfully, which is filled with real-world examples and exercise that can help boost your inclusive language skills.

As a linguistic anthropologist, Dr. Wertheim has been researching and studying the intersection of language, power and culture for decades.  She shares how linguistics, like thought leadership, is about recognizing patterns. Accomplishing this can be a difficult task, as people realize they might not be as inclusive as they had believed.

Suzanne explains what inclusive language is and why it matters.  We learn how language is social action and the building blocks of how we create, maintain, and end relationships. She shares the six principles found in her book that can be worked on in order to better our own use of inclusive language.  In addition she gives real life examples of how the wrong wording can cause a deal to go south, as well as how inclusive language can repair that damage.

If you want a better understanding of inclusive language as well as how you can move from being able to identify those problems to acting differently this is a must listen episode.

Three Key Takeaways:

·         Just because something is simple to describe does not mean it is easy or effortless to implement.

·         Inclusive language is like learning any new language.  It takes time and practice to become good at seeing it and changing behavior.

·         A lack of inclusive language can force great employees to leave for greener pastures. This is one of the many reasons leaders need a better understanding of what is acceptable language.