Organizations often talk about having a culture of innovation.

But what does that look like?

To explore innovation and how to achieve transformative breakthroughs I’ve invited Kim Christfort to join me.  Kim is the Chief Innovation Leader and National Managing Director of Deloitte Greenhouse Experience, where they work to spark new thinking, accelerate decision-making, and build long-term business development.

Kim shares how her background in theatre and science gave her a love for problem-solving and interacting with people, but it wasn’t until she created her position at Deloitte for herself that she could fully incorporate her creative side.

The Deloitte Greenhouse Experience is not just a space, it is an experience, a stage where Kim can set the environment to diagnose what is holding the group back and activate the brain through immersion to create momentum and opportunity to break through the barriers that are holding you back.

For ten years Kim and her team have been working with people, teams, and leaders to achieve breakthroughs but have never codified or packaged the research and data they have been doing.  This was the catalyst for Kim’s book The Breakthrough Manifesto which acts as a field guide for leaders and organizations to act, join the movement, and achieve breakthroughs that can fundamentally shift the way an organization thinks and operates.

Three Key Takeaways:

·         A good metric for thought leadership is repeat usage.  If people continue to come back time and again, investing their time and money they must be seeing value from it.

·         Moments are all around us.  They are opportunities.  Thought leadership can have a huge role in making those opportunities visible to clients.

·         Thought leadership that can become a movement is powerful. Those who believe in your ideas will become your biggest and loudest champions.