The past few years have seen shake-ups in almost every aspect of thought leadership.
Big challenges can - and have - pushed a lot of people out of the field.

But what some call a "big challenge" is everyday fare to a fighter pilot.
Our guest today is Christian " Boo" Boucousis, a former fighter pilot in the Royal Australian Air Force. He's an inspirational keynote speaker, author, and CEO of Afterburner; an org that helps corporate teams execute with the same precision and accuracy as elite pilots.

After Boo’s Air Force career ended he reinvented himself numerous times by transforming his ways of thinking and working using the skills he acquired as a fighter pilot. This eventually led to the purchase of Afterburner a globally connected group of current and former fighter pilots, U.S. Navy Seals, and other elite military professionals that use the discipline and strategy developed in their previous careers to enable organizations to achieve new levels of success.

Much of the Afterburner experience came from in-person speaking, which instantly became impossible when COVID shut the world down.  Boo, shares how he led his company through the turbulent time, moving to virtual mediums to deliver immersive movie-quality experiences.

As an author and speaker, Boo is keenly aware that audiences have a shrinking attention span. He shares advice for understanding the differences between information, knowledge, and wisdom – and how to walk your audience through those phases over various modalities using humor and emotion to keep the audience's attention.

If you are in need of advice for making your content soar, this episode is the one for you.

Three Key Takeaways:

·         As a thought leader you should be infinitely curious.  Not just about your domain but about how you communicate that information.

·         You need to be versatile with your content. Delivering important and valuable information but also including humor and things that maintain the audience's attention.

·         We remember what we feel more than we remember what we see or hear.  That is why you have to evoke an emotion that is connected to the message.