Most people think that once you’ve hit the big role at your company, it’s smooth sailing. The reality is far different.   C-suite positions often have hardships, and many executives deal with a lot of stress and difficulty in their job. Once you stop and realize that corporate life isn’t fulfilling for you, how do you move on?

On this episode, Jennie Blumenthal, founder and CEO of Corporate Rehab joins us to share her journey from executive to entrepreneur, and how she uses what she learned through more than 20 years in corporate America to help others find their way. Jennie's also the author of Corporate Rehab: Ditch the Hustle Culture and Thrive Again, and we're fortunate to have her share her insights with us, today.
During the Pandemic, Jennie was able to take a moment to stop and think about the corporate ladder she had been climbing. She stopped and asked herself, “Where is this going?” - and the answer was not one she liked. Following her heart, Jennie left her corporate job and started the journey of a thought leader, founding Corporate Rehab to help others in the same position. Jennie shares the hardships of  the transition from corporate exec to entrepreneur, and how she needed to be brutally honest with herself about what she wanted to achieve, where she wanted to spend her time, and what it was better to outsource.

While thought leadership played a role in Jennie’s corporate position, she explains how it becomes so much more important for entrepreneurs. Without a big brand behind you, you need to produce quality content that shows your unique perspective, and find a way to share it so that others will lean in and listen to your insights.

Jennie shares valuable advice for people looking to leave corporate life, or those who already have - and are still struggling to find their way.

Three Key Takeaways:

* Once you are out on your own you need to think hard about what your voice is and how you’ll use it to impact your audience.

* As an entrepreneur you won’t be able to outspend big companies but thought leadership is the equalizer that lets you outthink them.

* Thought Leadership content can be used to build a rapport and relationship with an audience that will have value even if they are not in a buying position.