AI is a hot topic right now, but many don’t fully understand the ramifications.
How do you present data sets and explainable AI to the average person?

Today we sit down with Keith Goode, the Vice President of Services at ZeroedIn Technologies which provides HR solutions by combining people data with business data for one source of truth.

Our conversation begins by getting a sense of how complex ideas like AI can be used by people who are not familiar with it.  Keith shares how he identifies the business issue or concern at hand and that AI could be useful to help solve those problems.  From there they seek the right data to answer the questions and then qualify that information by looking at historical data, then aggregating it together to generate an AI model that can predict outcomes based on the predetermined traits.

Building a data set is a crucial part of creating an accurate AI model.  Keith explains how they use a template that has key factors that have been used in the past coupled with various data elements that are unique and important to the client. Keith continues by explaining how the model can be tested and updated to make the model more accurate.

If you want a better understanding of AI in terms everyone can understand you’ll want to tune into this episode.

Three Key Takeaways:

·         If an idea is not explainable, then it is also not actionable.

·         AI models are not a one-and-done solution.  You need to update and retrain them to ensure relevance and effectiveness.

·         AI models allow for a deeper and more complex dimension of examination of complex topics.