It's hard to believe we are celebrating our 200th episode already! We have had the honor of talking to so many amazing authors, speakers, consultants, and even some musicians, comedians, and even an Olympic Athlete!

In this episode, we highlight just a few of the guests and insightful stories and advice they have given us.

Mitch Joel - Discusses staying true to your voice and needing a platform to get a publishing deal.
Corey Blake - Shares going from actor to brand storyteller and gives advice for nailing your content.
Rita McGrath - a best-selling author shares her experience writing and publishing with and without a co-author.
Joe Nocera - talks about taking a long-discarded story and turning it into a smash hit podcast.
Steve Farber - tells us how he uses love in the workplace to forge stronger leaders.

We’d like to thank all of our listeners, and ask you to continue tuning in, sharing our content, and sending us your ideas. We look forward to making the next 100 episodes even more successful!