Ten years ago many people thought the idea of being on Twitter or Facebook was a silly waste of time. Not a serious place for business leaders to be. Now building your social media platform is an essential piece of almost every business out there.

Today we offer a wide assortment of advice on getting the most of your social media platform from some of the people that use those mediums best.

Andy Molinsky is a Professor at Brandeis University’s International Business School, with a joint appointment in the Department of Psychology and author of Global Dexterity and Reach starts us off sharing what it takes to build a platform and how you will need to change and adapt as both content and platform evolve.

Then Holly G. Green the CEO of The Human Factor and author of Using your Brain to Win walks us through the rules and protocols of the various social media platforms and what value you should place on metrics. Do likes and shares have a value?

Finally, we wrap things up with Rusty Shelton the Founder and CEO of Zilker Media and author of Authority Marketing and Mastering the New Media Landscape.  Rusty will help you figure out which platforms to invest in, what channels build relationships and which sustain them and how you can use Twitter as a cocktail party to build relationships with targeted groups.

If you want to add an extra punch to your platform take a minute to read the Four Qualities That Make a Platform Powerful!