In this episode, we continue our look back at some of our favorite guests from 2019.

Claude Silver is an emotional optimist who understands and respects the range of emotions we have as humans and sees the positive side of things guides us through how she teaches and inspires with her motto of One Team, One Dream.  A simple concept many find difficult to grasp.

Charlene Li is a best-selling author, respected speaker, and advisor.  She shares with us how creating healthy disruption can lead to creative and meaningful growth.  Plus she talks about how speaking goes with publishing and finding the right time to publish.

Kara Goldin is the founder of Hint Inc a Healthy lifestyle company where Kara aligns her product with her Thought Leadership.  She talks with us about launching a company in a different industry and finding a passion for what you do.

Dr. Ivan Misner is known as the "Father of Modern Networking".  He shares what the biggest changes to technology are and the advantages we have because of them.  In addition, we delve into sorting out what content to give away and how being open with your content is attractive to the public.

Daniel Pink is an award-winning, best-selling author and one of the world's most influential management thinkers. He tells us of how his journey started by simply raising his hand.  He also shares how hard it is to write a book and the need to do whatever it takes to promote it.  

This episode is chalked full of great stories and advice.  We hope you enjoy it and are excited about the guest we have planned for 2020!