If you are just closing your eyes and hoping your white paper will go to scale…  You might be going about it the wrong way!

Our guest today is Kasey Lobaugh, the Chief Futurist for the Consumer Industry and Principal at Deloitte Consulting, LLP.  As a senior leader, Kasey is working to get people to embrace their ideas and shape the future of their company and industry as a whole.

To gain a profound understanding of the future of their industry, Deloitte spent a year speaking with more than 800 people in the industry – including experts of all ages, Deloitte's customers, and even their competition. The culmination of this work is a white paper titled Buying Into Better. Kasey takes us deep into the process of the research, who they spoke to and why.

While the information found in the white paper is profound, Kasey helps us understand that the paper is only a derivative of the platform they’ve created which will act as a long lived capability investment and objective that they are organized around.

Kasey shares that scale is the biggest challenge most organizations face and how they are training people across the business to fully grasp the ideas and be able to take it into the world in actionable ways. Through a two day workshop people learn how various forces come together to create impact, examine the proud things they’ve learned and find empathy through role-play.

Three Key Takeaways:

* Value comes from scale, impact, conversation, and stories.

* When doing research, one of the most profound questions you can ask is, “Who else should I talk to?”

* In order to create change, you have to engage a lot of people in the process.