How do you take a personality trait that many might consider a setback, and turn it into a multi-faceted business?

My guest today is Marcel Wijermars, the founder of Introverted Leadership and keynote speaker for the well-known speech, "The Introvert Way to Create a Life of Abundance."

Years ago, Marcel realized his introverted nature was having a negative impact on his professional life. He had difficulties meeting people and networking, and those challenges were holding him back in business. Through self-experimentation, Marcel created models and frameworks to help himself overcome these challenges, and now shares those insights, helping thousands of others understand and appreciate their introverted nature.

Being an introvert doesn’t mean you are shy or have poor social skills. Introversion means that you don't get energy from social interaction. Marcel shares why fellow introverts need to be more strategic around which connections give them inspiration and are most beneficial to their business. Marcel gives some valuable tips for introverts traveling and attending events to help manage the energy drain.

If you self-identify as an introvert or have associates who do this episode can help you better understand the difficulties and how to overcome them.

Three Key Takeaways:

*  Finding your audience can be as easy as looking for the symptoms of the problem you are looking to solve.

*  Don’t let what others consider a negative trait hold you back. It could in fact be the key to an entire business model.

*  Introverts need to focus their time on the connections that are most impactful to their business.