Should you try to make your thought leadership relevant to everyone?
Or, is being focused the answer?

To examine the effectiveness of "going narrow" with your thought leadership, I’ve invited David G Ewing to join me. David is a trailblazer in customer experience innovation, and the CEO of Motiv, the world’s largest Oracle CX exclusive partner allowing clients to manage their customer experience (CX) through every step of their journey.

David shares how he uses thought leadership to differentiate and drive business, by narrowly focusing on customer experiences using technology from a single vendor. This has allowed him to tackle any challenges a customer might bring his way.

David explains that a narrow focus allows him to find the exact target customer which is a match made in heaven for both sides.  With thought leadership content focused directly on their pain points the customer knows from the outset the partnership is a good fit.

Part of finding that focus came from coming up with a mission and motive.  David trimmed that down to a single word “Growth.” Having a one-word mission made it possible to have a lot of creativity while remaining focused.

David shares excellent advice for going deep for elevated relevancy!
Three Key Takeaways:

·         The more focused you are the more useful you are despite being relevant to a smaller group of people.

·         Having a good and clear mission statement can allow you to stay focused on your vision.

·         It’s never too early to start thought leadership.