How do you get attention for a product that could be used by millions but few are aware of without having a massive marketing budget?

Thought leadership!

Our guest today is Martha Orellana, Vice President of Marketing for MrSteam, a company that converts regular showers into steam showers in personal residence as well as gyms and spas.

While most people have heard of a steam shower, few would imagine that you could have one in your home or that people have had them for decades.  Martha shares the history of MrSteam and the challenges they faced getting people to know they could have such a product in their own home.  By targeting and educating architects, plumbers, and designers MrSteam was able to create a chain that not only knew about their offerings but became champions of it!

When it came to educating the professionals that would be installing and selling their products Martha went beyond information sessions or bookwork, creating elegant invitations to Camp Feelgood, hosted at high end hotels where they would not only explain the health benefits of steam showers, but spend time in them providing a luxury experience they could then speak directly to when answering questions of future clients.

Martha offers great insights into reaching new audiences and differentiating yourself from the pack by using interesting, dramatic, and meaningful tactics.

Three Key Takeaways:

·         When you don’t have a massive marketing budget, solid thought leadership can allow you to punch above your weight class.

·         When getting the message about your offering out you have to target the right audience.  By going after the professionals between you and your product you can educate the supply chain and create champions.

·         Theatric and dramatic visuals can often help grab the audience’s attention and allow you to differentiate yourself from the competition.