Can your insights literally change people's lives? That's great! But how do you make sure everyone hears what you have to say?

My guest today is Stacy Mayer, a consultant and coach who works with women seeking to get promoted into higher level leadership positions. Stacy talks about her book, Promotions Made Easy: A Step-by-Step Guide to the Executive Suite, from the process of writing, to the effect the book has had on her business and her life.

Stacy shares her writing journey, and talks about the impact the book has had since its publishing, elevating her credibility and ability to leverage her thought leadership. Even more, it's had a profound influence on her, personally, as people echo back the importance of her ideas. Now she sees how much deeper she can take her work, helping more women move up the ranks in big business.

The effects of the book don’t stop there. The book has also increased her offerings as a coach! Previously, she offered a six-week group training program, but now it has evolved to a lifetime enrollment offering peer round tables, guest coaches, and so much additional knowledge that she's been able to increase her fees.

While the outcome of the book is all positive, getting it written wasn’t without hardships. The idea for writing a book came from her husband and those who listen to her podcast Women Changing Leadership, feeling that she already had all the material she’d need for a book. Yet when faced with a blank page it didn’t come easy.  Stacy shares how the realization that she didn’t have to start with the introduction, she could write the book in whichever order made sense by collecting the knowledge she had in spreadsheets and various documents she’d written over the years.

Three Key Takeaways:

*    A thought leadership book allows your ideas to stand on their own, and reach people you may never meet in person.

*    Getting out and talking about your book will help grow your business, but others talking about your work will increase your reach faster.

*    A book doesn’t have to be written in the order it will be read. Write to your passion, and write the connective tissue as you move ahead.