Producing consistent thought leadership is hard work!  Thought leaders have to be deeply insightful in addition to a full plate of work, social life, and everything else.  But as the best TL's know, consistent content is the only way to make sure your message gets out there and sticks.

To discuss building and maintaining the momentum of thought leadership content, I’ve invited Verity Craft to join me for today's podcast. Verity is General Manager and Storyteller for Intelligent Ink where she helps purpose-driven experts become thought leaders that have a greater impact.

Verity explains how thought leadership is like investing; it works best when you start early and stay consistent, even if you start small. Starting out you’ll need to use modest resources and grow, but you’ll also want to start as early in your career as possible, to maximize your returns down the road.

Next, we discuss some common traps that people fall into that become a barrier to entry and consistency. Thought leadership means doing a lot of experimenting, while this might sound a bit frightening it means not having to have perfect ideas out of the gate. You can put your ideas out and refine them through discourse with your peers and followers. We don’t have to have a perfect idea or even know everything to start the journey.

With some ideas in hand, we can start to create consistent content. Verity shares how you can keep on track by scheduling time to work on thought leadership with someone else. This creates a sense of responsibility and accountability that is harder to push aside. In addition, we learn how a single piece of content can be stripped down and repurposed for blog posts, social media posts, and even videos allowing your work to go further and reach a wider audience by using multiple modalities.

If you are struggling to keep a consistent release schedule or feel like you’re not able to leverage your content properly this episode is full of great advice that will help you out.

Three Key Takeaways:

* Thought leadership is about trying things, testing things, refining things. And consistently working to make your insights sharper.

* The strongest thought leadership creates a system of community and accountability, to ensure your content stays on track.

* Experiment with breaking down your content, to be used on other mediums. The more ways people can access your content, the more it will spread.