As the social climate continues to become increasingly tense in the US, with the pandemic, politics, and proposed tax hikes, it’s becoming more important for entrepreneurs to have a plan B. Today’s guest is Andrew Henderson, Founder of Nomad Capitalist, a boutique advisory firm that provides entrepreneurs with holistic plans to legally reduce taxes, get second passports and create wealth offshore. He joins us to provide insights both into his company and the issue of geopolitical diversification generally. We discover the services that Nomad Capitalist offers, and how Andrew, having lived and invested in numerous countries, adds his particular expertise. We hear how Andrew splits up his time throughout the year and why he encourages people to consider lesser-known countries as options. The conversation naturally goes to the pandemic, how it’s affected Nomad Capitalist’s business, and why the government’s reaction has been such an eye-opener. While many people continue to have a strong allegiance to the United States brand-name, Andrew believes that the COVID crisis has revealed some truths that we can no longer ignore, making a second passport that much more crucial. To hear more about the importance of not being tied to one place and having an escape hatch, be sure to tune in today.  


[00:41] Before we jump into today’s interview, please rate, review, and subscribe to the Leveling Up Podcast! [00:20] Get to know Andrew, his background, and what his company, Nomad Capitalist does. [00:59] Nomad Capitalist’s founding story and why Andrew thinks it has been so successful. [02:48] The company’s content-heavy strategy which has helped with their growth. [04:23] How the business runs and makes money as an advisory firm. [06:08] Getting started with Nomad Capitalist – How entrepreneurs would get the ball rolling.  [07:37] Andrew’s thoughts for US founders who feel uneasy about the social climate.  [10:10] Some up and coming countries Andrew recommends founders check out. [12:05] Andrew’s trifecta idea and splitting your time up between three places per year. [14:14] Some of the places where Andrew has properties and where he’s looking to buy. [15:00] Hear Andrew’s takeaways about COVID and the lasting impacts of the pandemic.  [16:25] The importance of not being stuck in one place. [17:40] Enquiry growth at Nomad Capitalist over the years and revenue increase. [19:49] Geopolitical diversification and why you should consider a second passport. [21:42] Why Andrew renounced his US citizenship and the backlash he’s faced. [26:21] The over-attachment people have to the brand name of America. [27:36] Andrew’s take on crypto, the future of the dollar, and ways to hedge against the dollar. [29:16] Looking back, what Andrew wishes he had done differently. [30:08] Some of the books and other media that have been inspiring Andrew. [33:13] Additional services Nomad Capitalist offers and how much entrepreneurs should set aside. [38:02] How to find Andrew online.


Resources From The Interview:


Nomad Capitalist Nomad Capitalist on YouTube Andrew Henderson on Twitter Andrew Henderson on LinkedIn Andrew Henderson on Instagram Nomad Capitalist Robert Kiyosaki on Twitter Salome Zourabichvili Donald J. Trump The Heritage Foundation Louis Vuitton The Imagineering Story  Must read book: The Ride of a Lifetime, EntreLeadership


Andrew's Links:


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