If you had an opportunity to sit down with a white friend to discuss white privilege and racial injustice, what would be some of the questions that you ask to seek first to understand his or her thoughts about these topics?

Well, this soulful conversation that I had with my new friend and writer Marie Gettel Gilmartin. aka Marie GG will shed some insights on how many of the white people who seek to ally with the Black Lives Matter movement think about white privilege and racism in the U.S.

Marie and I met on LinkedIn after I read her "real talk" article that she published which she discusses how white women use their tears as a weapon against black men such as Amy Cooper's reaction, the white woman who called the police on a black man in Central Park earlier this year and the inhumane treatment of George Floyd by police officers who are now charged with his murder.

Before you think that Marie is jumping on the bandwagon, she isn't. She's been a social justice activist for years. Her concern is genuine. She doesn't just talk about social justice, she takes action while inspiring others to do the same.

Here's a little more about our guest today.

Writing engaging content is one of Marie’s superpowers. As a writer and marketing communications coach, she helps people and organizations discover what makes them special and helps them share that with the world.

After working as a leader and communications manager in the corporate world for 29 years, she founded Fertile Ground Communications to help others bring their ideas to life. Because nothing gives Marie more pleasure than helping others tell their stories and get recognized for their accomplishments, She launched her podcast "The Finding Fertile Ground Podcast" soon after being a guest on this show.

Contact Marie Gettle Gilmartin


Also Mentioned In This Episode

Book: White Frugality
Poem: Mary Oliver

Contact Jackie Capers-Brown 




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Jackie's Courses

Music Credit:

Purple Planet Positive Motivation 

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