Kymmie Cartledge has served as a team leader with City Year Columbia, worked as a summer camp counselor and teaching assistant for the Summer Institute of the Gifted, she has taught 4th grade for four months (she quit mid-year). She has worked as a substitute teacher, a unit director for a Girl Scouts’ summer camp, and a high school reading interventionist. Today, she's a career coach.  

Job hopping isn’t exactly something she's proud of, nevertheless, she believes it was necessary. She's learned so much from having 7 jobs within her first three years of graduating from college. Her career story has prepared and positioned her to help others navigating their career by starting her career coaching business.

Some Questions I Asked

Who and what inspired your love for painting?What book have you read that's impacted your life?If you could transform yourself into a superhero, what would it be and why?What song would you pick to be your personal theme song?What is the compelling WHY that enables you to maintain a passionate determination towards your dream?How has having mentors supported and complemented your success?What is your process for creating better in your life?Why is courage important to becoming a successful business owner or a successful employee?and so much more...

In This Episode You Will Learn

The empowering perspective she has towards obstaclesThe importance of having diverse mentors in different aspects of your lifeWhy she takes risks to create better experiences in lifeHer words of wisdom about why we should embrace new experiences in our lifeHer thoughts about why you shouldn't allow the fear of other people's opinion stop you pursuing your dreamsThe fresh take she has towards making mistakesHow learning to tell people NO is enabling her to feel liberatedMindset strategies you can apply towards navigating a successful career transition

Contact Kymmie 


 Also Mentioned On the Show

Book: I'm Judging You: The Do-Better Manual by Luvvie AjayiSong: Two Places by Tori Kelly


 Contact Jackie Capers-Brown 

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Music Credit:

Bensound Going Higher

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