The major subject of the show today is taken from Max Lucado's book "The Oak Inside the Acorn," which is about a young acorn who is told by his mother, "Don't worry, within you is a great oak. Just be the Tree God made you to be." Each of us has a special talent, a special calling, and a special intrinsic worth. We discover our value in who God made us to be when we live into that by claiming who we are and what God is calling us to instead of striving to be like everyone else, do it like everyone else, or appear like everyone else. To know more about this, tune in to this episode! 

“When you try to be like everybody else and you try to fit in, you miss what God put you here to do. You miss your giftings, you miss who God created you to be. I don't know who needs to hear this today but within you as a great person, just be who God made you to be.”

We all have an inner child that wants to know if we have value What God has called us to do, not what other people are doing, is what we are to live out You’re not supposed to fit in You have a mission, you’re a chain breaker. You’ve got a mission


Link for Equipped 2023: Equipped: Coaching Mentorship 2023 Application:

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YouTube: Joy Harrington - LEVEL UP Babe