In today's episode, I'll discuss bringing the masculine forward. Because understanding how to be in my feminine and calling forth the masculine in my spouse is something I've learnt a lot about in the previous year, and it's a significant transition in our relationship. So, in the last couple of years, when we started working with a marriage coach and became really serious about our marriage, this is something I've learned a lot about.


“We all have masculine and feminine within us. So while this is a dynamic in your relationship, it is very good and healthy for us to learn how to balance our own masculine and feminine so that we can give ourselves that and we can actually start shifting ourselves into our feminine.”


Masculine energy in relationship The masculine needs to create the safe space for the feminine Learning how to approach him in the right way to really call forth that masculine


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Facebook: Joy Harrington
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YouTube: Joy Harrington - LEVEL UP Babe