I certainly do not have all of the answers to that questions but what I do know is that living in peace will make your life a heck of a lot easier. The sooner you figure out the secret to living your best life the sooner you will attract in …

I certainly do not have all of the answers to that questions but what I do know is that living in peace will make your life a heck of a lot easier. The sooner you figure out the secret to living your best life the sooner you will attract in all the things you deserve in life. The sooner you understand how the universe works the sooner you will get to live your level 10 life. I want you right now to think at this very moment how you are feeling. There are two ways you can feel- you can feel bad or good and in those two feelings many different feelings can emerge. If you feel good you are probably feeling – happiness, joy, love , contentment, friendliness. But if you are feeling bad you are probably feeling – anxiety, hate, sad , lonely, anger. So I want you to ask yourself why are you feeling the way you are feeling.  If you are feeling bad is it because of some sort of event that has happened to you in your life that you are holding on to- is there a source of pain that you cling to everyday. Something that causes you to blame, hold on to and give you the comfort that therefore you can’t move forward to be able to live your best life