Important Things to Remember When you are feeling Overwhelmed Feeling overwhelmed is a part of life. Everyone feels overwhelmed by expectations and responsibilities. If you are feeling overwhelmed or stuck with more that you can handle , here are some things to keep in mind to help you get …


Important Things to Remember When you are feeling Overwhelmed

Feeling overwhelmed is a part of life. Everyone feels overwhelmed by expectations and responsibilities. If you are feeling overwhelmed or stuck with more that you can handle , here are some things to keep in mind to help you get through it.

We will always have problems

YOU ARE NOT ALONE- People have struggled with problems and everyday we conquer overwhelming feelings and come out happy and alive on the other side. We were built to overcome and succeed – NOT FAIL.

Things change quickly when we start doing something

Don’t just sit on your couch and dwell- Things will fall into place as you chip away at what you are trying to accomplish.

It is a breakdown of thoughts , not a breakdown of your life.

We have the power to control our thoughts and as a result control who we are. When we are feeling this way are life isn’t falling apart our thoughts are.

You have felt this way BEFORE

Think about the last time you felt overwhelmed. Ask yourself these questions-

How did you overcome it?
Was it as really bad as you thought.

Your problems are not as bad as you think

The best way to find out how good you actually have it is to take a break from worrying about your life and do something kind for someone else.

Do a charity walk
Volunteer anywhere
Buy a meal for someone homeless

When it feels like you can’t do anything , that is when you need to do something.

Those who overcome struggles quickly are the ones who never give up


We are obsessed with putting our best foot forward and do not want people to see us dropping any balls in life. Get that out of your head and remember what you do have. You have more than you know and you are doing the best you can .

People want you to succeed

Remember people are rooting for you and you touch some many people on a daily basis. Find your tribe and people who are going to life you up.

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