The best time to start pursuing your life long dream was 10 yrs ago. The 2nd best time is TODAY! Who cares that it’s taken you longer to get here than you thought. Who cares that you’re starting later than you imagined. Stop making excuses! The time will pass anyway …

The best time to start pursuing your life long dream was 10 yrs ago. The 2nd best time is TODAY! Who cares that it’s taken you longer to get here than you thought. Who cares that you’re starting later than you imagined. Stop making excuses! The time will pass anyway and a dream achieved feels freaking awesome no matter what age you are when it happens. – Rachel Hollis

I get it- we want it all right NOW! 
We want the success 
The pay out 
The pay off 
The debt cleared
The feeling of accomplishment 
The recognition 
The ability to make choices with your money 
The ability to have the freedom you crave

There are 24 days left in 2018- I do not want you to regret not starting what is going to allow you to have all of the things that you want.