Mindset is a fascinating topic I love talking about why people do things and equally why they don’t do things. Today we’re going to be talking about mindset and I discussed some of the following topics Do you think someone can be successful without the right mindset and why? And what is the RIGHT mindset? Why do we need coaches?  Why do real estate agents need coaches?  Do you believe people can be motivated? Is everyone coachable? What are the biggest problems your clients are having at the moment?   What’s the most difficult situation you’ve had in coaching and how did you work through it. (not giving away. Personal situations obviously)  Real estate is very much a rollercoaster ride. How do you suggest agents cope with the highs and the lows?   I’ve heard that a lot of agents are now using drugs now…. say cocaine, etc  What’s that about and what do we do about it?   If you are interested in finding out more about James and his training programs please  Email James : James Websites