What can real estate agents do in Lockdown? With Lisa B, Bjorn Kunzel and Emily Morgan. Welcome back Bjorn Kunzel eXp and welcome Emily Morgan head of the country for eXp Australia. Today we are going to talk about what those in lockdown can do with a focus on moving forward….. Firstly, we feel for you and hope that you are out of lockdown soon. We understand that everyone has different circumstances and feel for every single one of you. We hope that some of this information helps. No matter what happens, it may be difficult now and as much as it’s sad to say, people are going to have to sell or they are going to want to sell once lockdown is over. Some things to think about and action - Mind your mind.. Listen to who you love to listen to.. For me, it’s Grant Cardone 10x and Tony Robbins. Watch your limiting beliefs. Think about how you can, rather than you cant do something. Stop listening to the fear-mongering news, Facebook. If it upsets you then turn it off. Remember that we can only control what we can control. Exercise Listen to music Daily schedule - plan ahead Database - Call and ask people are they ok.. Catch up with people on the phone, messages etc to see how they are feeling. You will be showing you care. Doing so you may even find people that want to sell. Also you can update the details on your database. Prospecting sources - join the Real estate training community for Gazillions of ways to get listings. Investors. Private for sales, Provide desktop valuations, Specific target prospecting. Plan your marketing. Come out of lockdown strong- In the real estate training community, we have a section with regards to having your best month ever. Seo - keywords - know what your keywords are to use on your website, social media etc. - Linkedin - Build your profile. It’s great for SEO. IG - Work out your strategy. Watch others that have the following. Watch what they post where, how they word their posts. What they post. There is an art to it. Facebook - Work out your strategy - Again follow others that you resonate with. YouTube - Produce video content. Testimonial videos Re-do Profile - Your about me page - Put some thought into it! Your past work experience - Why someone should list with you. This is your online resume. Review sites - Make sure they are working for you Registration certificate to license. If we can be of any assistance to anyone please reach out. [email protected] #lockdown #realestate