If I put
you to the test and asked you the number one way Americans made passive, residual,
or consistent income last year would you have the answer readily available? If you
needed a hockey assist allow me to provide you a hint. According  to the recent CNBC
Make It: Your Money survey, conducted in partnership with Momentive
23% of Americans say investing in real estate is the top way they made extra cheddar
cheese a year ago. That makes it the most popular would-be wealth building
method, ahead of investing in stocks (16%), starting your own business (15%)
and getting a second job or side hustle (12%).

Michael Keiter started his journey in 1990 by brokering and
investing in real estate like so many others. Then he found his passion, real
estate agents and investors. It had nothing to do with real estate, it was the
people who brokered and invested in real estate is where the passion truly
intrigued him. 20 years ago, he began his coaching and consulting journey and
was forced into this aspect of it in the crash of 2008.

that time, Michael has coached, trained, mentored, partnered with over ten
thousand agents and investors in the United States and Canada.

agents get started as an agent, increase business as an agent, grow the
business as an agent by building a team. Same with investors. As a national
speaker, trainer and coach for a major real estate company, he traveled
thousand of miles to create relationships with specific type of person, the
real estate agent who understands investing or wants to learn how to understand
it. Brokering gets you immediate income, investing gives you long term income.

he spends his business days helping agents and investors create a plan for
residual income and that's done with marketing not lead generation. His passion
for their business is sometimes more than the agents have it for themselves
because Michael knows what the outcome can be for an agent and investors and
what a great career it can be when an agent structures it the right way and
follows their dreams and give them the residual income to retire on. He joined
me this week to tell me more.


For more information: https://www.mastermindre.com/