Cultivating relationships through sports is a tangible measurement
of authentic development for any athlete of any size, skill, or age. It allows
them to develop social capital and a sense of belonging to a group and a common
purpose.  Providing them a sense of
leadership, direction and calling in life. 
According to the office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion 55
percent of parents believe that sports will benefit their children academically
and improve their future careers. 80 percent of parents believe that sports helped
their child learn about discipline and dedication, as well as how to get along
with others.  “I'm Tim Claiborne the Founder of Locker Room Sports Community and my
personal mission is to impact lives by creating more freedom, more abundance,
and deeper connection with others through sports. I'm a connector and business
development partner to pro athletes and sports business leaders. If you have a
passion for sports, entrepreneurial spirit, and heart for people, then you are
in the right place! Sports have an incredible power to bring people from diverse
backgrounds together, and diversity of every kind is the strength of our
community of business athletes. Great business is about much more than just
making money. Business allows us to be free to be ourselves, to spend our time
as we choose, and to create wealth to share with others. As my mentor and
business partner David Meltzer would say, I use sports to "make a lot of
money, help a lot of people, and have a lot of fun!”  He joined me this week to tell me more.

For more information:

LinkedIn: @TimClaiborne

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