Executives and entrepreneurs are accustomed to meeting performance indicators and deadlines associated with meeting business objectives. However, the question becomes do they place the same priority on optimizing their health? Julian Hayes II is an executive health consultant & epigenetic atelier, and the host of Optimal Health for Busy Entrepreneurs.

His initial journey began in the pursuit of becoming a doctor. However, he left after one year to pursue an even bigger dream. Now, he's the founder of The Art of Fitness & Life. This bespoke concierge health & performance advisory firm helps entrepreneurs, executives, and intrapreneurs live longer, richer, and healthier lives. This is accomplished with precision through leveraging their unique DNA, data-driven health metrics, personalized bio-specific programming, a "performance team," and high-tech toys. On an organizational level, the firm helps companies elevate their bottom line through precision performance longevity.

Julian has also written nearly 200 columns at Inc, along with frequently being published over at Entrepreneur, SUCCESS, Chief Executive, CEO World, Business Insider, Bodybuilding.com, and many more of the world's largest publications. Lastly, he's the author of the book 'Body Architect: A Real-World Guide to Ignite Your Fitness, Look Awesome Naked, Quiet the Inner Voices of Self-Doubt, & Design a Lifestyle on Your Own Terms'. He joined me this week to tell me more.

For more information: https://theartoffitnessandlife.com/

Twitter: @thejulianhayes

Facebook: @JulianHayes

LinkedIn: @JulianHayesII