www.cinchhomeservices.com/ reports 88% of people always or      often have a morning routine. Among them, highly productive people (92%)      were more likely to do so.
Forty-three percent of      Americans said they view drinking coffee as the most crucial part of their      morning routine, followed by exercising (32%) and taking a shower (26%).

Among people preparing for their morning routines the night before (44%), more than 2 in 5 report low levels of stress. Ryan Cote is the owner of Morning Upgrade, a business dedicated to increasing the awareness of personal development through a blog, podcast, book, and morning routine cards. He is also co-owner in his family’s marketing agency and a real estate investor. Ryan lives in New Jersey with his wife and 3 daughters. He joined me this week to tell me more.

For more information: https://morningupgrade.com/

Visit: https://www.ballantine.com/

Instagram: @morningupgrade

Twitter: @MorningUpgrade

LinkedIn: @RyanCote

Personal Development, Morning Routine, Self-Improvement, Entrepreneurship, Personal Growth, Growth Mindset, Meditation, Digital Marketing, Family Business, Search Engine Optimization, Kevin McShan, Lets Have This Conversation