The Windsor-Essex County Region is dealing with an alarming epidemic. Windsor is going against the grain of the national trend on pandemic recovery, posting the highest rate of unemployment among major cities for September. The unemployment rate for the Census Metropolitan Area that includes Windsor and some of Essex County is 10.4 per cent as of September, according to Statistics Canada estimates released earlier this month. That's down slightly from 10.6 in August. The number of unemployed people in Windsor area remains 4,100 higher than pre-pandemic according to CBC News. Therefore, it begs the question, what’s the key to reversing the trend and cultivating an economic recovery in the Rose City? Rakesh Naidu is the CEO and President of the Windsor-Essex Regional Chamber of Commerce and he joined me this week, to discuss Windsor’s economic climate, the region’s economic recovery, and how it will affect individuals with disabilities moving forward, in their pursuit of employment. As we observe National Disability Employment Awareness Month this October.

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