According to one recent study by the Cleveland Clinic, close to 60 percent of men don't regularly see a doctor, going only when they are seriously ill. The survey found that only three in five men get annual physicals and nearly half of the 500 men surveyed said their health is simply something they don't talk about.   Philip Robison is on a mission to change this trouble trend  he is the Founder of Saving Brothers.   Saving Brothers is about meeting men wherever they are in life, with a focus on empowering men to gain control over their Health, Self and Wealth, and creating connection and better communication, not only for men, but for the women that love and support them.  He joined me this week to tell me more.

For more information:

Instagram: @saving_brothers

YouTube: @SavingBrothers

Facebook: @SavingBrothersKeep5Alive

LinkedIn: @PhilipRobison