56 % of the  world's population now consider themselves “rather happy or very happy”, over a tenth say that they are more or less unhappy, while near a third say that they are “neither happy, nor unhappy.” Scott White is on a mission to change the way we look at purpose in life.

He’s the CEO and Chairman of the Board of a public real estate company. “I have a philosophy about life I am trying to spread to make the world happier.

Life is too short... Make the most of every minute. I am writing a book (expected to be published in January 2023) called Mr. Life is Too Short Guy: Making Every Day the Best Day Ever.

Purpose! Seems to be a big buzz word everyone is focused on these days. What is your purpose in life? What is the purpose of your life, your company, your role in society? Why do you exist? We all have a purpose and most of us spend a lifetime trying to figure it out. And it should be so apparent and so obvious to so many people, that they can’t even identify it. It is right there under your nose. Find it. Embrace it. Be proud of it." Make it happen. He joined me this week to tell me more.

Email: [email protected]

LinkedIn: @ScottWhite