Raising your level of frequency in life to maximize the
potential of your example  is tied to the
level of commitment  your willing to
place behind any endeavor in life.  However, when it comes to our body image and fitness
journey, our level of apprehension can often be high. The Mental Health
Foundation says One in five adults (20%) felt shame, just over one-third (34%)
felt down or low, and 19% felt disgusted by their body image in the last year.
Among teenagers, 37% felt upset, and 31% felt ashamed about their body image. Meanwhile,
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports Obesity in
the United States affects 100.1 million (41.9%) adults and 14.7 million
(19.7%) children and accounts for approximately $147 billion
in annual health care costs.


Lee Maasen, is  a
certified fitness trainer and accredited life coach on a mission to guide you
on a holistic journey towards your best self. I'm all about harnessing the
transformative power of fitness for self-growth, seeing it not just as a tool
for sculpting the body but as a key to cultivating a resilient mindset and
unlocking your full potential. My coaching philosophy is rooted in the
connection between physical and mental well-being, going beyond workout
routines to explore the psychology of motivation, goal-setting, and the
holistic integration of nutrition and mindfulness. Through workshops,
one-on-one coaching, and motivational speaking, I'm here to inspire you to
embrace the transformative potential within yourself, creating lasting change
in both body and mind. 

“In the wake of my brother's tragic
murder and the subsequent loss of a full baseball scholarship, I found myself
in a cycle of dead-end jobs, struggling against life's adversities. However,
amidst the darkness, I discovered a beacon of resilience in fitness. What began
as a physical outlet transformed into a sanctuary where I confronted grief and
doubt. The weightlifting sessions not only sculpted my body but also sharpened
my mental resilience. Each rep became a metaphor for overcoming life's
challenges. The discipline of fitness seeped into every aspect of my life,
turning dead-end jobs into stepping stones towards self-belief and
perseverance. Today, I stand as a testament to the transformative power of
fitness—a journey from tragedy to triumph, where every workout became a step
towards rebuilding my spirit and rewriting my narrative”

 He joined me this
week to tell me more.


YouTube: @ELUFIT

Instagram: @leemaasen