A survey by Gallup found that great managers have thze following talents.

1. In addition to fostering trust and open communication, they offer complete transparency.

2. Not politics, but productivity drives their decisions.

3. With a compelling mission and vision, they motivate and engage all of their employees.

4. A culture of clear accountability is fostered by them.

5. They can drive outcomes, overcoming adversity, and overcoming resistance.

Kyle Elmendorf knows all about leadership. He’s the Director of Media Relations and Community Manager at Lead Em Up

WHAT I DO: I help coaches, athletes, business professionals, and leaders achieve their goals by providing insight and leadership training through my speaking, writing, coaching and consulting services.

WHO I WORK WITH: I partner with business and thought leaders, coaches, athletes, athletic directors, social influencers, coaching magazines and websites, and leadership magazines and websites.

WHY IT WORKS: When you partner with Coach Kyle Elmendorf, you get the most efficient, effective, and affordable coaching consulting services that businesses and athletic programs are looking for right now.

WHAT MAKES ME DIFFERENT: I am different because I am self-motivated to become the best I can possibly become. Through my 13 years of coaching and 12 years of teaching, I continually challenge myself to be better each year. My voracious reading habits on coaching, self-improvement, and leadership also help me stand out. I am also unique with my proficient use of social media. I am a published author and aspiring professional speaker. I am to be the best I can be while adding value to everyone and everything I meet. He joined me this week to tell me more.   

For more information: https://leademup.com/

LinkedIn @Kyle Elmendorf

Follow: @k_elmendorf

Follow: @Lead_Em_Up