A 2018 Gallup poll found that those who have a best friend at work are twice as likely to be engaged in their jobs, are better at engaging customers, produce higher-quality work, have a greater sense of well-being, and are less likely to get injured on the job. Morag Barrett is the CEO of  SkyeTeamShe’s accelerating Leader Success Through the Power of Relationships.

“I firmly believe that you can't be successful in business, or in life, unless you are successful in cultivating winning relationships. Whether it's professional relationships across your industry or organization, or within your team, it's the people skills that really matter. The soft-skills are foundational to achieving the hard goals.

Relationships are at the heart of everything we do at SkyeTeam. Time flies when you are having fun, & I LOVE what I do & the people I work with. I bring broad experience including corporate finance, as well as leadership & executive development & Human Resources. I understand business, as well as the complexities of leading & managing the people that are part of your company.”

Call or message me if

- You're looking to take your career to the next level and are unsure how.

- Your team is not firing on all cylinders (especially in a hybrid world) and business results are at risk.

- Relationships within your team, or between teams, has become frayed and is collaboration and innovation.

- You want to raise the collective leadership & management skills in your organization.

I've a master’s degree in Human Resource Management, received the Senior Professional in Human Resources (SPHR). I'm a certified coach for the Corporate Coach University (CCUG) & a Chartered Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (Chartered FCIPD) and am a member of the 100 Coaches.

I've worked with more than 10,000 high potential leaders, in 20 countries, on 4 continents. Our award-winning global leadership development & management development programs result in business & individual success. She joined me this week to tell me more.

For more information: https://www.skyeteam.com/

LinkedIn: @MoragBarrett

Pre-order the book: https://www.amazon.com/You-Me-We-Need-Friend/dp/1774582031