Effective leadership starts with a clear vision and defined purpose of direction so you can lead with clarity and conviction. For Thomas Rosenberg “I have always been passionate about helping folks grow and transform. However, coming from a medical and scientific family, I felt the need to pursue a technical career path in order to be seen as a man.”

Over the course of my 25+ year career, I’ve worked in a variety of sectors and roles, often as a technical subject matter expert, with people and teams from different cultures in over 20 countries on 5 continents.

The underlying theme through it all has been helping people and their organizations become comfortable with change, to lead change, and to flourish. Although I didn’t always recognize it at the time, I instinctually found opportunities to insert myself into coaching situations.

My journey to this work, comes from decades of head-centered leadership that left me spinning my wheels professionally. After suffering a traumatic brain injury in a near-fatal bicycle accident in 2014, and inspired by the way a dear friend lived richly, shared all her gifts fully and died with tremendous grace in 2016, I was compelled to rediscover the forgotten wisdom of my heart and body.  This changed my life and my leadership.

I had a deep desire to lead life heart-first. I decided to move towards coaching full-time. I began my certification as an Integral Coach, which I received from New Ventures West.

As a Certified Integral Coach, my approach blends both Integral Coaching and somatic work drawn from my own journey as a coach and human. Integral Coaching is a developmental approach that takes into consideration the client’s entire being and their social context. In other words, I help to align your head, heart and body. When all three elements are aligned, we more easily fall into flow states and because we uncover our gifts and bring them more fully to the world, the most authentic and powerful version of ourselves arises. He joined me this week to tell me more.

For more information: https://www.regenerate.coach/

LinkedIn: @ThomasLoxleyRosenberg

Email: [email protected]