As a writer you have the creative freedom to explore
the avenues of your imagination which bring you the most joy. You can choose
the niche that matches your preferences, from technical writing to creative
writing. Job growth: According to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics
(BLS), the employment of writers and authors may grow 4% from 2021 to
2031, which is similar to the average growth for all
occupations. With the support of his partner and children, writer
David Payne has been creating stories daily since late 2021. He participates
ferociously in Stories on Fire and National Novel Writing Month. His first
published story, "Wraith and Specter" appeared in Future's Lens (Jan
2023). "Escape and Transform" appeared in Reality's Lens (May 2023).

David writes the story that inspires him in the moment, though he tends
to settle into speculative fiction. On stream, he writes each day both as a
form of accountability and to inspire others to the craft. His focus is
entirely on getting the words on the page and letting the editing table sort
out the details later.

He's played many different table-top RPGs over the years and has
interests in game theory from Poker to Magic the Gathering. To relax, he'll
fire up a game of Dwarf Fortress. He likes to joke that if a game was created
more recently than a decade ago, he isn't really interested, but the truth is
he likes retro-style and turn-based games.

Professionally, David is a technical writer and has been a part of the
field for over twenty years. He's also presented at Write-the-Docs and the
Society of Technical Communication's Summit.


Follow: @TelinArtho