Carving a pathway of inclusion means that the promise of
possibilities are realized by many and the diversity of thought is celebrated as
a strength.  However, for children with
disabilities, and racialized children this pathway towards inclusion and
acceptance isn’t always realized as easy as we all might hope. Therefore, in
the 5th and final episode of Inclusive Beginnings  we’ll take a deeper dive and a closer look at
the experience of racialized children and their fight for educational
excellence and equality.  Contributing
their voices to this conversation are  Negin Zarifian and Kathryn Underwood. Zarifian
is a Professional Learning Consultant Affiliated Services For Children and
Youth (ASCY) and Kathryn serves as the project director for the IECSS project
at large and a Professor, School of Early Childhood Studies Dimensions Faculty
Lead, Faculty of Community Services  at Toronto
Metropolitan University. Our discussion centered around the experiences of
black and racialized children and their families as they work to navigate the
educational system and furthermore how their lives may look beyond their time
within the school system.


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