To make a full commitment to improving the quality of your physical and mental health it requires a lifestyle change. To demonstrate your level of sincerity in taking full ownership of your fitness journey. For John Katsavos he’s been a personal trainer for over 15 years now and he’s dedicated to helping people get their confidence back in their lives through exercise, martial arts, and mindset hacks. “ I strive to help people overcome depression and anxiety by getting them in shape and the importance of martial arts by improving their bodies, wealth, relationships with themselves and create a strong spiritual foundation.

I have personal experience with this as when I was in my mid-twenties, I almost jumped off a bridge and I found my saving grace through simple hacks in working out and martial arts.

Ever since then I become a personal trainer I have developed tools to help not only transform bodies but also helping people regain long lost mobility issues ranging from age to past injuries. I have trained the blind, people in wheelchairs, young people with canes, and all sorts of other "issues" all get better. Please understand that this is subjective I couldn't make the blind see, I couldn't get the guy out of the wheelchair - he had spina bifida I helped them become stronger with what they had.

I hope that I can help inspire some young person to get out what ever funk that they might be in through my life story and others that I have helped.” He joined me this week to tell me more.

For more information:

Facebook: @JohnKatsavos

Instagram: @the.fitnessoracle

LinkedIn: @JohnKatsavos