Innovation it’s the key cornerstone of advancement it allows for all of
us to lay the foundation and groundwork for tangible and continuous
progress.  The idea of possibilities is firmly within reach.  One
contributing factor which makes this possible is serendipity. The occurrence and development of events by chance
in a happy or beneficial way, a fortunate
stroke of serendipity."  One person whose embraced this concept
wholeheartedly is Noah Graff.  He’s the host of Swarfcast, a
business podcast for people in manufacturing. When he’s not blogging or podcasting,
he’s a used machine tool dealer, or "treasure hunter" as he
prefers to say, buying and selling used equipment around the world for our
company Graff-Pinkert.


“Serendipity plays a huge
role in our business’s success. I can offer perspective as well as some great
stories about how we have used the power of serendipity to make some lucrative
deals that were totally unexpected. .”





 He can offer insight on:

How to create new relationships that lead to lucky breaks down the line. • How to stay mindful of potential opportunities and connect the dots to solve problems and make more deals.He joined me this week to tell me more.



He joined
me this week to tell me more.

For more information:

LinkedIn: @Noah Graff