This is a very powerful shamanic journey that is highly useful to do anytime you feel you are 'stuck', or that you feel you've outgrown an aspect of your life but you don't quite know how to shift it.

In this journey, you'll connect with the Tree of Life (your nervous system) where you'll be working on releasing what has kept you trapped in the past, through your roots (ancestral patterns and old programming).

You'll also work with the beautiful, ancient healer, the Serpent Mother. The Serpent is a symbol for the goddess, for healing, regeneration and rebirth, who shows us how we can gently let go of our old identities, old wounds and scars, just like she sheds her skin. She assists you in healing your body, as she represents how she can free herself from scars and disease by shedding her old structure.

The Serpent Mother sheds her skin in one big ‘swoosh’, so she is not peeling away one tiny piece at a time, taking forever, but instead she decides that it’s time to let go of the whole outdated structure. And through her willingness to let the past go, she gracefully slides out of her old confinement.

Trust that the Serpent Mother is a great healer. She is loving and wise, and she knows how to guide you to shed the past. I love working with her, and considering I have a snake phobia, her gentleness and healing medicine took me by surprise. (The way I've found peace around that, is that I see her as a Serpent, whilst my phobia is relating to snakes - and yes, I know they are the same, but somehow, this distinction has helped me).

During this journey you'll release many layers of that which has been holding you back, so you can move with more ease into the future.

It can be very helpful to regularly do a 'shedding' like this (just like the Serpent sheds her skin regularly), so you keep creating space for new life to emerge through you.

This journey was recorded live during the first module in the Shamanic Energy Medicine Practitioner Training (you can read more about the training here).