This episode is all about awakening your feminine power and wisdom, so you can start to fill your life with the magic of creation, making it so much easier for you to manifest your dreams and visions.

According to the Norse Sagas, we each have our own personal norn, like an inner fate goddess - and she can either be a Valkyrie, acting as a guardian angel guiding us to create our highest destiny, or she can be a hibernating norn, meaning she is asleep! 

When our inner fate goddess is a Valkyrie, we are living a life filled with purpose. But when she is hibernating, then we are sleepwalking through life, as if we are asleep to our own highest potential.

What’s great is that we can wake her up, so she can become like a Valkyrie!

In this talk and shamanic journey, you’ll start to do this – you start to awaken your inner Valkyrie - so she can guide you to the steps you are meant to take so you can embody and express your highest potential, so you can share of your unique soul essence with the world.

Please make sure you listen to the talk and the inquiry process as it will give you the MAP of the journey, allowing you to go so much deeper in your own healing.
The journey then starts at 26.33 min (and the journey is around 32 minutes long).

PS. If you want to dive deeper into the Norse Sagas, then I recommend Norse scholar Maria Kvilhaug's book The Seed of Yggdrasil.