When your body feels healthier, you feel happier—inside and out. Studies have shown that when you regularly prepare home-cooked meals, you're also more likely to make healthier choices. Looking to stay focused on incorporating healing, nourishing food habits? You are in the right place. It’s time for a culinary Q & A mixer, y’all!

Today’s classroom session we will veg about:

What everyday resources are on my must-have list for the Autumn/Winter seasons?

Do I purchase common store-bought sauces to cook my veggies?

What’s the easiest go-to meal ideas for work-shy cooks?

And of course, this week’s powerful produce selection aka PPS selected by one of the veggie slayer crew.

Class is in session, so let’s get veggie with it!









Do you constantly struggle with making healthy eating or lifestyle changes? Whether you’re someone who has a specific wellness issue you want to address, or you just need support and accountability to help you achieve your health goals, I’d love to help.

HEAD TO www.veggiesarebae.com  for low-cost holistic education courses or to www.thatveggiegurl.com to book a 1-on-1 session. 

 Submit questions to: [email protected] 

Let’s stay connected, y’all!!
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Disclaimer: This Podcast is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any illness or disease. The information provided in this program is for general wellness education purposes, it has not been reviewed nor approved by the FDA and is not intended to take the place of advice from your medical professional. You are solely responsible for your health care and activity choices. Listening to this show does not constitute a 1-on-1 coaching relationship.

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