Lisa Morales-Hellebo talks about the power of technological invention and innovation; awards; building communities; and making sustainability a priority.

[06.04] Lisa shares an update on what she’s been up to since her last appearance on the show, and the awards and accolades she’s achieved.

[08.44] What awards mean for Lisa and why they’re important, particularly for women and other underrepresented groups within supply chain.

[11.50] A closer look at Lisa’s organization REFASHIONED, what it does, and the growing portfolio of innovative companies it supports.

[13.23] A closer look at Lisa’s Industrial Transformation Fund; what makes it different; her disruptive approach; and the businesses that the fund is investing in.

[21.18] The importance of community; and the impact that the community Lisa is building is having on the industry, from innovation to accelerating change.

[23.55] Why sustainability is at the heart of everything Lisa does, and why our systems need to be completely reworked if we have a hope of stopping, and reversing, climate change.

[28.24] Lisa’s advice for organizations looking to initiate change.

[34.15] A closer look at some of the innovations that Lisa is seeing in the industry, including a spotlight on SIMPLIFYBER, an innovative fashion brand creating the apparel of the future with its proprietary, fully-biodegradable material formula and sustainable additive manufacturing system.

[36.37] Lisa’s role as a mentor at The Founder Institute, and the array of opportunities that are now available for young people coming into the industry.

[39.17] Lisa’s approach to work/life balance and self-care, and the importance of downtime for creativity.

[41.30] The future for Lisa.