My guest today is Brandon Bateman. Brandon's company specializes in online motivated seller lead generation for real estate investors through PPC, SEO, and Facebook Ads. Today, we will focus on how ads can generate leads for your real estate investing business and why working with an expert in the real estate investing niche is essential.


[00:00 - 07:04] Opening Segment

Brandon's career and background His approach to marketing is based on a constant framework around innovation and improvement He focuses solely on how to make a fantastic product for real estate investors


[07:05 - 18:10] Unlocking the Secrets of Google PPC: How to Get Results with Ads

Focusing on product and research and development is vital to success Track everything from ad clicks, forms, opportunities, contracts, etc. PPC is the act of paying for your ad to show up when somebody searches for your target keywords Targeting based on intent is highly predictive, more so than situational factors Real-time bidding was invented after the internet, where Google has 10,000 data points on each person, which advertisers use to determine the price of inventory Landing pages need to be designed properly to turn expensive traffic into leads


[18:11 - 25:46] Understanding Machine Learning and AI in Ad Platforms

AI has been part of ad platforms for a long time, as it is better with numbers than language models Working with an agency that has the right amount of data can help shortcut the learning process Statistics can help understand if variance in results is due to random variation or actual performance difference


[25:47 - 32:04] Understanding PPC Targeting and Bidding

Sample size over time will make performance and results the same thing To target in PPC, one needs to think about intent and use keywords and negative keywords Bidding affects targeting, so it's vital to buy clicks at the right price Automation rules can be set up with keywords to leave out specific people or add certain people


[32:05 - 36:06] What You Need to Know to Double Your Lead Generation

15% of searches on Google are unique and have never been searched before Working with an agency is recommended for scaling up lead generation Focus on return on investment, not just leads Data is more important than the person running campaigns


[36:07 - 39:43] Closing Segment





"It's not going to be someone that one day cracked the code on how to swim fast, and they've just been doing it ever since. It's going to be the person that's consistently been putting in the effort." - Brandon Bateman


"It's not actually smart. It's just capable of learning. That is machine learning. And that's a huge breakthrough in technology right now. Machines can make themselves smarter over time." - Brandon Bateman


"There's no such thing as a bad click. There's only a bad bid. Because if you pay the right price for something, then you win." - Brandon Bateman


"It's not about the person running it. It's about the data behind what they're doing." - Brandon Bateman



Connect with Brandon!


Email: [email protected] 





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