Today I’m talking with Shaun Young, and we’re doing a deep dive into how to run your real estate investing business using virtual assistants successfully. If you want to grow your business but you also want freedom, the solution is to delegate some of those tasks. Just imagine...

What if you could hire a real estate virtual assistant that was trained, affordable, and there were no contracts? Listen in and find out where you find these fully trained VAs, how much it costs, and so much more.


[00:01 - 07:06] Opening Segment

• Shaun shares how he got into real estate investing

Why he chose to wholesale as his entry point

• The art of getting deeply discounted properties under contract

• Marketing is key to getting leads for wholesaling deals


[07:07 - 13:56] From Failing at Hiring VAs to Building His Own VA Company

• Direct mail marketing is a long game and needs to be done consistently

• How Shaun failed way forward with hiring VAs until he found the right one

Creating own VA agency to meet the needs of people in real estate space

• Shaun's staff members for the real estate side of the business


[13:57 - 20:41] Discover the Benefits of Hiring a Virtual Assistant

• Creative deals such as sub-two owner finance, sandwich lease options, and land deals

• What does the vetting and training process for VAs includes, and how are they billed?

A four-year degree, accent assessment, and ongoing accent coaching

• VA can do a variety of tasks for real estate investing businesses


[20:42 - 27:43] Closing Segment

• How the Philippine culture is accustomed to working US hours

• Marketing and branding are essential to stand out from competitors

• Pick a company that is dedicated and aligns with your culture


If you want to connect with Shaun, follow him on Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube. Or email him at [email protected] 


Resources Mentioned:

Virtual Assistant Website: REI World Solutions

**When signing up, use the discount code “Freedom” for 50% off the usual setup fee **

The S.M.A.R.T Wholesaling Method Club

Nationwide Real Estate Mastery for Coaching 

The Nationwide Real Estate Mastery Podcast


Key Quotes:


“Having a team that can actually have a business operate for you on your behalf is the key. If you don't have that team in place, no matter what you're telling yourself, you have a glorified new job.” - Shaun Young

"We aren't trying to convince anyone to sell us their house at a discount. What we're doing is we're looking for people that have problems that we can solve.” - Shaun Young




Connect with me through my website, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

Or you can send me an email at [email protected] 

Be sure to check out the Louisville Gals Real Estate Blog and my course Probate Investing Simplified.

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