Today’s show is specifically for brokers, Realtors, and investor/agents. 

I want to show you how you can tap into an endless stream of motivated seller leads with probate properties. You will learn exactly how this once-in-a-lifetime event known as the “Silver Tsunami” will allow you to do this consistently over the next two decades. Probates have always been my number one source of leads. These leads are hidden gems. You will also learn how easy it is for you to become known as a probate expert in your area so that you can better serve your clients. 

There is a link below to the longer podcast about the "Silver Tsunami" so be sure to check it out. Those statistics are eye opening!


[00:00 - 03:58] - What is the “Silver Tsunami”?

The "Silver Tsunami" refers to the aging baby boomer generation Huge opportunity for real estate agents, brokers, and investors

[03:59 - 05:25] - Capitalizing on the "Silver Tsunami"

Why now is the time to become an expert in probates Key statistics on the size of the baby boomer population The peak of the "Silver Tsunami" expected between 2037-2044

[05:26 - 08:09] - Understanding the Probate Process

Probate properties will likely be higher-quality homes Overview of what happens when a property enters probate Many surviving spouses will eventually sell and move

[08:10 - 12:07] - Becoming the Probate Expert

Probate Investing Simplified teaches the probate process and marketing Tips for marketing to probate sellers as a real estate agent Probate leads are guaranteed consistently, unaffected by markets Opportunity to establish yourself as the go-to probate expert


Resources Mentioned:

Freebie: Probate Investing Starter Kit

Probate Investing Simplified Course 

The Silver Tsunami Podcast Episode 

Louisville Gal’s Real Estate Blog


Key Quotes:

"The next 15 to 20 years for anyone working in real estate, they truly will have a once in a lifetime opportunity to benefit from this changing demographic." - Sharon Vornholt

"With probates, you are guaranteed a steady stream of leads month after month, year after year. These leads are completely unaffected by market conditions." - Sharon Vornholt



Connect with me through my website, Instagram, and LinkedIn

Or you can send me an email at [email protected] 

Be sure to check out the Louisville Gals Real Estate Blog and my course Probate Investing Simplified.

Learn more about this podcast on iTunes, or Stitcher.

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